This is my writing assesment. I am learning to write correct simple,compound complex sentences and fix up my writing.
Sports is more important than music
I think sports are more important than music because you can’t lose weight of music Do you Agree or Disagree?
I Think Sports is more important than music is because. It helps you with fitness, and it helps you to go on diets. Sports can do heaps of stuff for you. it can make you do anything instead of sitting on the couch. You can do more stuff around the house. I think sports is cool because it can save your life. If you are close to dying of fatness. You should of done sports, it could save your life from fatness. It can also make you tough. If you are playing a game of rugby, and you are versing some people, and you think their tougher than you. Well you are wrong they are scared of you.That is why don’t be scared of people because they are scared of you.
Firstly You can show off infront of you brothers and sisters that you can prove them wrong. Because your sisters and brothers might listen to music and suffer from fatness and they might be enormous. That is why don’t listen to music play sports it might save your life one day. I think people that do sports are cool, but people that don’t do sports don’t even try to do sports they give up. That is why I am here to help you do sports. Do you agree with me Yes or No?.
Secondly I think people should do sports is because you can make a transformation from flabs into abs. Who wants to transform their flabs into abs.Another Reason why I think people should do sports instead of music is because. When you do sports it will make you Fit, Healthy, Strong, Fast and most of all. It will help become a good person. That's why do sports don’t do music.
Lastly I think people that do sports should not be treated bad, they should be treated good. They might be the person that help you become fit, and they might help you transform your flabs into abs. They will might help you with hard stuff that can’t do. That is why don’t treat people like crap treat them nice.
In summary I think everyone around the world should do sport, and they should not be treated like crap.The most important thing is they might help them transform those flabs into abs. That's why do sports don’t do music.