
Thursday, August 1, 2019

Where Were They Rowing To???,

Where were they rowing to?

First Baogem and his wife Chen got on the boat and we were rowing to a beautiful and nicer place.
We rowed for a very long time until we forgot some food supplies.So we went back to China and
we grabbed some food supplies and we gapped it.When we got back on the water we got some
fishing rods. 

But they were homemade out of sticks and string and they made their hooks out of bone.When
they got back to rowing we set up the fishing rods with bait the bait was a water rat. When their
lines were set up they started rowing we found a beautiful place but suddenly an enormous shark
ragdolled there line and ripped it out of the boat and there was no more rods so they jumped out
and started swimming to the island then it got shallow so they ran. They were huffing and puffing
trying to get away from the shark but the shark was to fast jumped up from out of the water clamped
its huge teeth on to Baogem pants and the shark ripped his pant but Baogem was lucky because
it almost bit his leg off.

 But he was a lucky man. He was relieved that he got out of that situation because the shark would
have killed them both. They were amazed at their new place because there was a house and a lot
of plants growing like there was someone already living there. Then there was a man living there
and he said. “Who''Who are you” Baogem says “We are just trying to look for another home would
you help us,” the man said, “You can stay here there’s heaps of room”. Baogem and his wife said.
“Thank you, thank you so much wait what's your name again” The man said “My name is
Wang Fang” So they had the guest room well the guest room. The guest room is big though. Then
they went out and planted some plants for more food.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Sweyde. This is a very interesting story and quite dramatic.! Wow! You have written some great sentences too. It would be good to see your walt and to read about why you chose this story. Ka pai.


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